The Blue Sky Tag (?)

by - 9:41 PM

Hola gais =)
Sooooo I've been tagged by Sis Filzah and ada lah benda jugak aku nak update kan kalau tak idea nak update apa pun taktau melayang kemana since aku tak ada mood. So yahh, thank you sissy for the tag!

Em actually ada rules but aku break some of the rules *dab*
So in this case I need to answer all those questions given...

1. What will you do when you're down or sad ?
Go somewhere I can be alone, dengar lagu

2. Would you do what everyone told you to do or would you follow your heart ?
Sometimes I would do what people told me. Most of the time, ikut hati (and then termakan diri kahkah)

3. Where would you have been imagine yourself in 10 years ?
Kat rumah, jaga anak. HAHAHA

4. What would you want to do in the future ?
Kerja elok, travel. InshaAllah

5. If you can escape just for one day, where would you go, who would you be ?
Korea. Who would I be? Hmm I wanna be me!

6. If you can exhange yourself into someone else, who would you be and why ?
Johanis Sani perhaps? Sebab dia cam so comfortable being herself

7. Explain yourself in 3 words
  1: Ada habit suka tidur dalam wayang
  2: Some people says I'm weird (?) 
  3: I prefer tidur dari makan

8. List 5 things you hated the most
  1: Backstabbing
  2: Being forgotten
  3: Separation
  4: Hang nails
  5: Crushed pinky toe

9. Your ideal type of guys
Matang, baik & smart!

10. The fashion style you like now and why ?
Casual, feminine. Sebab nak selesa & tahla rasa dah makin besar so biar nampak feminine sikit haha!

11. One thing you always wanted to do in life ?

Okay yahh that's it. I answered all the questions sincerely as I need to.

Hasta Luego ;)

